
Importance Of Dental Health In Seniors
Murray Stenton

Importance Of Dental Health In Seniors

Senior dental care is often neglected and it is surprising, especially considering how prevalent dental issues are among seniors and the effects of compromised oral health and its critical relation

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Benefits of Yoga and Tai Chi for Seniors
Murray Stenton

Benefits of Yoga and Tai Chi for Seniors

Maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle as you age is challenging, especially for those with certain medical restrictions. However, despite all the health issues, exercise is vital for every age

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How To Reduce Hospital Readmissions
Murray Stenton

How To Reduce Hospital Readmissions 

Having aging loved ones return home from a hospitalization only to be admitted again a few weeks later can be frustrating and emotional for family members and caregivers. Repeated hospital

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Best Posture Exercises for Seniors
Murray Stenton

Best Posture Exercises for Seniors

Our bodies continue to change as we age, and some of these changes can cause poor posture and back pain.Seniors who experience such changes in their bodies can do simple

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