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Fire Safety
Northwood’s facilities were built with Fire Safety top of mind. Please read the following information so you know what to do in case of fire.

Fire Protection Systems:
- Smoke detectors in hallways, resident rooms and in larger common rooms.
- A hard wired fire alarm system monitored 24/7 by a professional alarm company.
- Automatic heat activated water sprinklers in common areas and resident rooms.
- One hour fire wall protection for each house.
- A ventilation system that, when the fire alarm is activated, supplies fresh air and exhausts smoke from the area of the fire.
- A paging system and radios help us communicate.
- A Fire Safety and Evacuation Plan with regular staff training and practice drills.
For your safety, when the fire alarm rings:
- Stop what you are doing.
- Follow staff direction.
- Listen for announcements
- Do not use the elevators.
- Stay calm.
When you hear the Fire Alarm Bells, know that staff are trained to:
- Remove people from danger and clear the area.
- Pull the nearest fire alarm.
- Clear all rooms around the fire and if safe to do so, put the fire out with an extinguisher.
- Evacuate residents, if necessary.
Please remember:
- Only the Fire Department can give the “ALL CLEAR” and reset the alarm, even if it was pulled by mistake.
- The bells sometimes increase in frequency. This is preset and is not cause for concern.
- If you are not in your neighbourhood with the alarm rings, staff in the area where you are will take care of your safety.
- As per Provincial Licensing Standards, we conduct fire drills monthly, are inspected annually by the Fire Marshal, and conduct a full evacuation exercise every 3 years.
- Know the location of fire exits.
- All door locks immediately release if the alarm is activated.
Northwood Bedford
123 Gary Martin Drive,
Bedford, NS B4B 0G7
Northwood Halifax
2615 Northwood Terrace,
Halifax, NS B3K 3S5