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Northwood’s Client & Family Advisory Council
Northwood is inviting its Clients, Residents, Tenants, and Family/Caregivers (over the age of 18), who are currently using our services to apply to be a volunteer member of the Client and Family Advisory Council.
Why should you join?
The Client and Family Advisory Council is a volunteer advisory board comprised of Northwood Service Users. Advisors provide Client-Centered perspectives and advice on strategic health policy priorities that have an impact on the care and health care experience of clients and their loved ones. The strategic purpose of the Council is to help improve Client-Centered care by ensuring that the voices of clients, families and caregivers are at the centre of policy development and decision-making.
The Client and Family Advisory Council:
- Provides advice to Northwood Governance on key health policy priorities that have an impact on client care and client and family experiences;
- Provides advice to the Northwood and the Client Relations Coordinator on the appropriateness and alignment of patient engagement activities across the organization, to maximize their quality and impact;
- Serves as a central body of knowledge to help identify issues relating to care or health care experiences of clients and families across the health care system, and advises Northwood about opportunities to effectively engage with patients and their families on these issues; and,
- Identifies and advises on opportunities to incorporate the perspectives of clients and their families in the policy development process.
The Client and Family Advisory Council does not:
- Provide assistance to floor staff with regular day-to-day care and programs;
- Act as the first-line of response to regularly experienced issues with care and programs;
- Engage with quality improvement directly – but rather, advise from a governing/macro standpoint;
- Join the council to directly influence or affect their loved one’s care.
The Council consists of up to 20 members plus a Chair who is appointed by Northwood. Currently, this position is held by the Northwood Client Relations Coordinator. Membership aims to be representative of the various client bases that Northwood serves.
Members are appointed for a term of 1-2 years and may be renewed at the recommendation of the Chair. Members may remain on the council for up to 2 years after they or their loved one transitions out of Northwood’s Services.
The Council meets Quarterly for regular meetings and engagement. Meetings are optionally available as Northwood Projects and Committee needs require.
Please consider becoming part of our team.
Am I Ready to Become an Advisor?
Attitudes and Strengths of a Client and Family Advisor
Client and Family Advisor Application Form
For more information on Northwood’s Client & Family Advisory Council or to submit your Family Advisor Application form, please call or email the contact below.
Meaghan Murchison
Client Relations Coordinator
Work: 902-478-9794 (Preferred Contact#)
Cell: (902) 454-3018