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March 2020 – Information Updates
COVID-19 Update: March 31, 2020
With the recent information on the identification of COVID in a few homes in Nova Scotia, we have now put in motion our decision to create cohorting areas to care for residents if swabbed and identified with COVID.
At this time, we DO NOT have an identified case of COVID-19 in any Northwood facility. This is a preparatory measure. If we identify a COVID case, everyone will be made aware. We are continuing to be on top of or ahead of the issues and these cohort floors are examples.
We are sorry for the short turnaround but feel it is essential to move this forward quickly. This is a large undertaking that will occur rapidly. Some residents will be relocated to other rooms/locations through the facility temporarily to create the space for the cohort floor. We have stopped admissions in the short term to help with relocating and resettling residents of 11 Manor and Mayflower Point. Admissions will resume when this is done.
Specific areas have been identified and residents affected are being notified. Team members will be providing emotional support as people are relocated. We also have teams identified to help set up the many aspects of the cohort floors. We realize that this will be disruptive and challenging for everyone involved and thank everyone in advance for patience and understanding.
Again at this time, we do not have an identified case of COVID19 within the Northwood community.
This is a difficult time for everyone and making these decisions are not easy for anyone. The impact on the residents affected is tremendous and they will need all of our support.
You will see a flurry of activity in the next two days. We are all in this together and are doing everything we can to keep residents and staff safe.
Stay tuned for further updates
Thank you for your ongoing compassion and commitment to residents!
COVID-19 Update: March 28, 2020
We know residents and their families have many questions and concerns about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and how the spread of this virus may impact their health and access to health care services.
The attached letter and fact sheet will serve as a resource for residents and families, should they have questions or concerns or require additional information.
Documents from Nova Scotia Health Authority
In your home:
• Keep shared spaces (e.g. kitchens, bathrooms) clean and well ventilated.
• Use soap and water to clean dishes and utensils after each use.
• Clean door handles, light switches, railings, remotes, and other high-touch areas daily.
• Clean your home and household items with store-bought disinfectant or diluted bleach (one part bleach to nine parts water).
• Wash clothes, and linens using regular laundry soap and water (60-90°C).
• Do not share personal items (toothbrushes, clothing, towels, drinks, etc.)
• If available, use disposable gloves and protective clothing (e.g. plastic aprons) when cleaning anything soiled with bodily fluids.
COVID-19 Update: March 26, 2020
During these unique and uncertain times, our Northwood family is working very hard to keep your loved one and our staff safe. Currently, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in any Northwood facilities. Although difficult for residents and family we have made the decision to stop all drop-offs to residents effective March 27, 2020. We understand this may cause some distress but it is necessary to keep our staff and residents safe. Thank you for your understanding.
COVID-19 Update: March 16, 2020
Each day the Northwood community works hard to keep our residents and staff safe. To ensure their safety we are now restricting all visitors to the Northwood facilities. If a resident needs to leave the facility for a health emergency, the staff will act accordingly. Residents are not permitted to leave the facility for social visits. If a resident leaves the facility with friends or family for dinner or any other activities, they will not be permitted to return to the facility until the “No Visitors” mandate has been lifted. We apologize for the inconvenience but must follow these strict guidelines to keep all of our residents and staff safe.
Please be advised that effective immediately, no visitors to any Northwood property are permitted. There are currently no cases of COVID-19 in any Northwood facility. There was an announcement today confirming three presumptive cases of COVID-19 in Nova Scotia. As a precaution, Northwood is no longer permitting visitors of any kind until further notice. Please check back on Monday for a more detailed update.
COVID-19 Update: March 14, 2020
Please find updated Northwood memos below for March 14, 2020.
Update: March 13, 2020
Northwood has activated our pandemic plan to prepare and respond to the recent Novel Coronavirus (COVID – 19). Our primary goal is the safety of residents and clients and the protection of staff.
To help protect residents of Long Term Care, those most at risk for severe illness, the government is restricting visitors who have travelled outside the country in the last 14 days from entering the facilities. If symptoms (cough, fever, difficulty breathing) occur during these 14 days, visitors must further postpone visiting until symptom-free.
There is also influenza – like illness in the community. Visitors are not to enter the facility with any symptoms of respiratory illness including sore throat, headache, body aches, and cough. Postpone visiting until you are symptom free.
Northwood Restrictions:
• Visitor screening will be completed at all facility entrances.
• Resident visiting is restricted to two designated visitors (e.g. substitute decision-maker or immediate family).
• Children under the age of 16 are not permitted to visit.
• External community members are not permitted to enter the facility (this includes customers of Lawtons, Lawley’s cafe).
• There will be no large programs/activities.
Communication and Information: Information will continue to be updated on the Northwood website regularly www.nwood.ns.ca.
Northwood will continue to be transparent with information and will work in collaboration with the Department of Health and Wellness and Public Health Services.
Daily provincial updates are available at https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/
March 10, 2020
ALL VISITORS (Family, Friends, Volunteers, Community)
If you have travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days, you may have been exposed to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Please DO NOT enter any Northwood facility.
As part of the response to the spread of COVID-19, it is important that everyone helps protect those most at risk for severe illness.
Employees are to contact Occupational Health at 902-454-3354 prior to returning to work.
As always, if you are feeling unwell you should not enter any Northwood facility. Your cooperation is important and appreciated.
Date: March 4, 2020
Topic: COVID-19 (previously known as 2019 Novel Coronavirus)
We appreciate that staff/family/clients/volunteers may be concerned regarding COVID-19 and the spread that continues to happen throughout the world. Please be assured that Northwood has a pandemic plan and is working in consultation with public health officials regarding any steps that need to be taken to ensure that Northwood is ready should a more significant response be required.
Presently the risk of COVID-19 to Nova Scotia remains low.
Nova Scotia’s Department of Health and Wellness is recommending that anyone who has traveled to a high-risk area (high-risk areas listed below) OR has been in close contact with a probable or confirmed case of COVID-19 closely monitor their health for 14 days after arriving back to NS. Please refer to the below recommendations
If they develop a fever, cough or have difficulty breathing they should call 811 for further assessment.
If further assessment is recommended by 811 we ask that staff please call Northwood Occupational Health. The phone numbers for Occupational Health are below.
High-risk areas currently include Mainland China, Hong Kong, Iran, Italy, Japan, Singapore, South Korea. (As of March 4, 2020 and subject to change)
We will continue to monitor the development of COVID-19 and provide updates as appropriate.
More information can be found online at