What Are the Major Benefits of Using an Automated Pill Dispensing System with an Alarm

The Benefits of Using an Automated Pill Dispensing System with an Alarm

Did you know that nearly 45% of men and 57% of women over the age of 65 take at least five or more prescription or non-prescription drugs every week? Yes, that number is staggering but true for the elders of many Canadian families. 

For the safety and health of your loved ones, ensuring that they are taking proper medication at the right time and in the right dosage is integral for their overall well-being. However, this can be challenging to manage on your own, or even for a caregiver or spouse, given the complex combination of pills, timings, and dosage amounts one needs to keep track of.

Elderly individuals with chronic illnesses or disabilities can be even more hard-pressed to keep track of daily or weekly medication. 

So, what is the solution? Well, that’s easy. What you need is an Automated Pill Dispensing System with an alarm!  

What Is An Automated Pill Dispensing System?

An automatic medication dispenser with an alarm is a portable device that allows you to organize and schedule your medications according to a set day/time. All you have to do is put the pills in the dispenser and then set the day/time when those pills need to be dispensed. 

At that time an alarm will start ringing reminding you that it's time for your medication and the correct dose of pills will be dispensed for you to take. 

These devices can come in many shapes and sizes and also have a locking mechanism that prevents anyone from getting to the pills when the time/day isn’t right. 

A medication dispenser with an alarm is specifically designed to make available the pills you need when you need them. It doesn’t require you to think, double-check, or recall anything. When you hear the alarm it's medication time. The rest of the time you can continue on with your day without being worried about having to keep track of time or having missed your medication.  

Automatic pill dispensers are becoming increasingly popular as they offer plenty of benefits with very few drawbacks. More importantly, they make life easier to manage and safer for both you and your loved one.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Automated Medication Dispensing Systems With Alarms?

Did you know that close to a million people visit the hospital annually as a result of not taking medications as directed? Forgetting to take medication, taking the wrong medication, or taking medication multiple times as a result of not remembering you have already done so, are but just some of the reasons why this is such a common occurrence. 

Keeping track of questions such as when to take your medication? How much to take? When to refill? Isn’t easy, especially with prescriptions changing ever so often. Luckily, automated dispensing systems resolve a lot of these issues and questions. So, let’s learn more about the benefits of a medication dispenser with alarm.

Some of the benefits we have already outlined. Such as the ability to dispense medication in the correct dosage and at the right time. However, that’s not all. Perhaps, the most important benefit of using an automated dispensing system with an alarm is that it can help families avoid the cost of hiring expensive caregivers just to take care of their elderly loved ones' medication needs.  

If, for example, you and your family members are busy at work during the day and this is the time when medication is needed,  you are likely to hire a caregiver to stay home and make sure that that happens. With an automated dispensing system there is no need for that as the sound of the alarm will remind your loved one that it is time to take their medication.

They also won’t have to worry about whether they are taking the right medication in the right amount. This is because the electronic pill dispenser will already be programmed to dispense the correct pills and medication on the alarm time set thereby virtually eliminating medication errors. 

Other benefits include allowing both you and your loved one more freedom and peace of mind when it comes to medication adherence. 

What To Consider When Buying An Automated Dispensing System

It is important to consider who will be using the automatic pill dispenser when considering your purchase options. Here are several reasons:

  1. If your loved one has a hearing disability you might want to invest in a pill dispenser that has both an alarm and flashing lights for both audio and visual cueing.
  2. Who is responsible for refilling the dispenser? Another important question to consider as different units can hold different quantities and types of medication. Only someone who is familiar with and has knowledge of the medication schedule should program the dispenser. If that is going to be a problem it is recommended to opt for a service that handles prescription renewals along with medication dispensing. Although this might cost more it will still likely be far less expensive than hiring a caregiver. 
  3. If your loved one has dementia it is best to choose an option that comes with a locking lid and a built-in anti-tampering alarm system. 
  4. If power outages are a problem in your area opt for a unit that has a backup power supply.
  5. Always check the maximum pill size requirements and the volume of pills an electronic pill organizer can hold before making a purchase
  6. Make sure the unit you purchase can handle the medication routine or medication schedule prescribed by the physician. Look for features such as daily alarm times, medication reminders, and the number of doses a unit can hold to see if it matches your needs.

The Best Tools For Medication Management

If you have a loved one that is having difficulty keeping up with their medication schedule there are plenty of tools and devices out there to help make their lives (and yours) a lot easier and more peaceful. One such device is a medication dispenser with an alarm. It helps not only organize the pills needed in neat little storage compartments but also dispenses them at the right time ensuring that there are no medication errors. 

If you would like to learn more about such devices visit Intouch for a catalog of all medical devices to support your loved one to feel comfortable, safe, and independent and provide you with peace of mind.. 

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The Benefits of Using an Automated Pill Dispensing System with an Alarm